The 'BARKING OWL' always has something to say, and like the feathered version, can be either WISE...

The 'BARKING OWL' always has something to say, and like the feathered version, can be either WISE...............or ANNOYING!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Yes, there's a K in this limerick!

While blogging from A through to Z,
I found that God loves you and me.
With vigor and vim,
He made us like HIM,
In His image we always will be!


  1. I found the "K"! Great limerick. I blogged about limericks on "L" day, although I wasn't creative enough to write my own as you were!

    I met you through A-Z. My blog is

  2. fabulous limerick. you have a definite, outpouring faith! glad I stopped by.
    Happy K - N days!


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