The 'BARKING OWL' always has something to say, and like the feathered version, can be either WISE...............or ANNOYING!

Saturday, April 8, 2017


                       Did you see the INTRODUCTION to this A to Z series? Check it out here.

"But of course," you say. If hell is really real, there will be guilt there. Yes, and nothing but guilt.

The general idea that people can earn salvation is widespread. Many otherwise "Christian" denominations even offer a kind of works-based way to heaven. They say that if we are more good than bad we are safe; if we perform a certain quota of sacraments, or meet the penance standard we will make it. Islam too teaches that if a man is at least 50% good then he may cross the line successfully. (Although they say Allah can still choose to to go with his impersonal whims. Even Muhammed, just before he died, was unsure if he had earned his way into paradise.)

But the GOOD NEWS is that our salvation is a free gift. Either we take it or we don't. We are all GUILTY and will suffer the consequences (The wages of sin is death. Romans 6:23) ...unless we take the free gift! This is the only "unless" available, but it's a doozy! There are no good deeds, good works, good looks or good vibes required. 

Will you argue that admitting you are a sinner, confessing your sin, and then maybe nodding your head in agreement with God and declaring your willingness to...choke...receive the gift, are all a big pile of good works? If so, then I will admit defeat and you can say that you do in fact have to do a few things. After all, they may seem like minor or trivial things, and although they are not as outlandish as, say, the killing of infidels, these tokens of humility truly do represent a gargantuan sea change to a life otherwise known for sin. But please, just do them! 

This is the only way for your GUILT to be removed. God will not abide any portion or strain of GUILT in his presence. When asked, he will cover it by the rich sacrifice offered on your behalf at the cross of Jesus Christ.

Let the GUILT go to hell where it belongs. The place where those who insist on keeping it will bear it forever and ever. Those who plead "GUILTY" may be exonerated or forgiven, but those who insist on declaring their innocence, denying all truth, will only be convicted.

Exodus 23:7 Have nothing to do with a false charge and do not put an innocent or honest person to death, for I will not acquit the guilty.

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1 comment:

  1. The good news is it's because of God's grace. Nice post.


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