The 'BARKING OWL' always has something to say, and like the feathered version, can be either WISE...

The 'BARKING OWL' always has something to say, and like the feathered version, can be either WISE...............or ANNOYING!

Friday, November 8, 2024

"What's in MY House?"

In MY House? Forget that. Where do you get off asking me a question like that? What's in YOUR house? Let's see how YOU like being asked such a thing!

Well, yeah, I suppose it was me who brought it up. It's just that it's such an invasive question because what I have in my house--and what you have in yours--is, of course, very telling. The answer actually speaks less about my house and more about what is in my mind, heart, and soul (but that's all).

I'll tell you what made me think about this question. It was a verse in the Bible. The book of Chronicles is a rehashing of Samuel's account of Israel's earlier history. Particularly about the period when David lived. It was written after the Jews returned from their long, 70 year, exile in Babylon. 

One of the events revisited from 1 Samuel is David's moving the Ark of the Covenant from Kiriath Jearim. A lot of stuff had happened regarding the ark. The Philistines had captured it but then became very eager to be rid of it and so they put it on a cart pointed toward Israel and let the cows haul it away without any personal guidance. Eventually, after another set of tragedies, it ended up being stashed away, somewhat desperately, in the house of a guy named Abinadab. His son, Eleazar, got stuck standing guard duty over the ark for at least twenty years, perhaps much longer! 

Finally, after he had been King for a few years, David felt it was time to bring the ark to Jerusalem, the new capital of a united Israel. When he did, in rather a careless fashion, calamity struck and the ark, once again, had to be temporarily housed. This time it was assigned to a Levite named Obed-Edom who lived along the road to Jerusalem. The ark remained in his house and under his care for a mere three months this time, but Obed-Edom having, and keeping, and guarding the ark of the covenant--in his house--led to the most productive quarterly report of Obed-Edom's life! 

 First Chronicles 13:14 tell us that...

         "The ark of God remained with the family of Obed-Edom in his house for three months, and the Lord blessed his household and everything he had."

Do I need to say any more? Or are you already looking around your house and thinking about what you keep in there, like I am doing right now?

I like trinkets and mementos and cool things. My desk might be described as "cluttered" when I fail to make sure my collection of symbolic curios is properly curated. I have a couple of small crosses and a great big nail, a little wooden fish, and an antique caliper, all displayed on the base of a monitor. Then I have a carnival glass bowl, a shifting sand thingy, a toy P-38 Lightning, and a chunk of wood with a favorite verse (1Kings 2:2a-3a) burned into it. Eclectic, right? And yes, I also managed to save room for a pen, a planner, a monitor, two lamps, and a laptop on my desk. 

Each thing in the office, like each item in the house must be regularly vetted. "Would God approve of 'this'?" I should be asking. Is each object 'innocent' or at least, innocuous? Am I keeping something that might bring me down, or could somehow keep me from honoring or pleasing my Lord? Does every article have a good purpose, and not a nefarious one? Am I keeping it, or is it keeping me?

Am I collecting things that I hope will provide me with what I should be trusting God to provide? Or worse; am I honoring and even exalting any created objects as if they could compare to my Creator? We don't really live too far from idol worship after all.

Obed-Edom kept the ark in his house when he was asked to. And we are told in the verse above that God "blessed his household and everything he had." Wow! I hope that God's blessing on "everything I have" is not hindered by his inventory of my house. I don't think God would have or even could have blessed O-E the way he did if he came through his abode and found pornography (or the desire for it) inside. 

Yes, when we open our lives to Jesus Christ, repenting and receiving his forgiveness, it can be said that we have invited him into each metaphorical room of our heart and asked him to "clean house." Over time, we should be letting go of every sinful inclination of the heart and mind and body until he makes us clean. And we continue then to confess each sin so we can remain clean and function well for his glory.

But we can also look around our very physical homes and ask him to help us gauge the true value or purpose of every thingumajig, doohickey, and whatchamacallit we own. Let us clean out our attics, closets and garages not just to get rid of the clutter (to make room for more of the same?) but let's also be sure there is nothing we own that serves only as a distraction or a temptation, and that would hinder God from pouring out his blessings.

"Seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
Mathew 6:33

Thank you for coming by!


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Tuesday, February 6, 2024


What a whirlwind! 

You may be surprised to learn, I know I was, that an author has a very hard time finding out how his or her book is selling! It might be different for self-publishers, but my publisher doesn't even keep track of sales until royalty time comes around twice per year. 
I learned in January that 74 copies were sold between the time Epaphras: The Interview was released on September 23rd 2023 and the close of the tracking period at the end of that month. Now I wait for the middle of July to find out about sales from last October thru this March.

In the meantime, I went ahead and hired a professional narrator to bring life to my characters in an audiobook. That item is also available on my page at Amazon.

Also, Epaphras: The Appointment, which is a PREquel, is nearing completion! Not sure, yet, when that will be out.

If you are reading about Epaphras and associated characters, I hope you find the series to be both interesting and encouraging. Please let me know if you are reading, or listening to, Epaphras: The Interview and let me know what you think.

Thank you,

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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

FINALLY! I have finally written--AND PUBLISHED-- the book I introduced here in May of 2011!

"Hello? Hel-lo-o?" Knock knock! "Is anybody out there?"

Well just in case anybody IS out there and reading this blog anymore, especially anyone from oh, over ten years ago, when we were all writing posts and participating in blog challenges and having fun with our writing, I am here today with some exciting news!

In May of 2011 I wrote a series of articles for the May Z to A challenge which included a list of characters for a novel I had in mind. ( Z to A in May of 2011 Introduction ) This year I finally wrote the novel and this week it is published and released and available on Amazon!

(Here is the link to the book on Amazon: EPAPHRAS: THE INTERVIEW.)

I know! I can't believe it either! The book is called EPAPHRAS (EH-puh-fras): The Interview by Mike Miller. It is the first in a series of four that will all feature a modern man named after an ancient Biblical character, who serves his church by leading a small time 'Men's Group.'

A murder mystery and a love story are interwoven throughout the first book.

Here is a link to my new Facebook page called "The Epaphras Series." I hope you check it out!


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Saturday, July 31, 2021


                      Did you see the INTRODUCTION to this A to Z series? Check it out here.

What is a life without memory? "I forgot" is the kind of answer I would give to this question; you'll have to come up with something better than that! But truthfully the real answer is "not much." I say that because I have a memory like a steel...sieve! Some things are caught in it and retained, but so many other things that I thought would be too big to ever be forgotten have slipped through and are, sadly, forgotten. 

I only know this because once in a while my wife or one of our grown kids will bring up a noteworthy event that they are cherishing and I find myself wracking my brain and then maybe conjuring up the bare framework of a figment of a vague image and an obviously dubious "oh yeah" just so they don't think I don't care. How frustrating! More often I get to give out with an authentic "OH YEAH!" and I can rejoice in the shared memory as it comes back to me with corroborating fullness and more details from my perspective of the moment. Now THAT IS satisfying!

Of course there are some days and actions and decisions and words and even periods that I would like to forget about, but that to my detriment. It's not always good to cast such memories away because I might also then discard the important lessons learned from those episodes. By forgetting it all I might lose the repentant heart or the vital course correction, or sacrifice the improved relationship that followed if my hurtful misstep lead to a growth in intimacy. (Without remembering the fights, then the highly esteemed make-up sex would only be remembered as regular-sex, after all!)

Now I had better get to the subject before you remember that I talked about sex!

So in life we either have the joy of remembering everything important and worthy (good and bad) or we suffer the debilitating burden of losing the visions of old as buildings are hidden in a rising fog. I have confidence that in heaven my memories will be perfectly restored just as my aging body will be back in its prime, and then some. The sad and bad memories will be seen under the bright lights of forgiveness and restoration, and God's grace in Jesus will be magnified. No problems there.

But what of memory in hell? Those who reject God for whatever reason they may give would not want to be in His heaven so naturally they will not be forced to go there. They will live forever without Him, in hell. The first reaction to finding oneself in hell would probably be regret. It is not a fitting place to dwell for even the most anti-God zealot simply because it is everything opposite of God; opposite of good.

The regret would be intensified and magnified with every memory the person carries into hell with them. If every memory is restored to the mind of the recalcitrant, as I believe it will be in the eternal mind of the repentant, nothing but pain and sorrow will be brought to mind of those in hell. Their best times in life will now be remembered as obvious evidence of God's grace and the worse memories will only be seen as continual indicators of their own foolishness and sin.

PSALM 34:16
the face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to cut off the memory of them from the earth.

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Thursday, April 20, 2017


                       Did you see the INTRODUCTION to this A to Z series? Check it out here.

 Jesus made this declarative statement about his Father, our God:

He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.  Mathew 5:45

QUIET, it seems to me, is like rain and like sunshine. Is the sun good? Or bad? How about rain? Is rain good or bad? I think we can all think of times when both sun and rain can be a great blessing or a terrible curse. Either one can wreak havoc or be a critical life saver. QUIET too can be either/or.

"Getting away from it all" is often an important goal. People sometimes need a break from the business and turmoil of life; from the hubbub and racket of machines and traffic and, yes, people. So a nice quiet place with maybe only a bubbling brook and a little breeze in the trees offers the perfect background music for relaxation and recovery.

But then again, getting closed in alone in a muffled elevator with nothing to hear but the berating thoughts of a guilty conscience can be torturous. Or worse, lying in bed in a dead QUIET house, wide awake and only wishing for some distracting noise or even a mild uproar to stifle the drama going on in your head. (I wonder if studies would show that deaf people tend to keep short accounts with their friends, being sure to quell the voices of guilt and bitterness and jealousy that the rest of us can more readily counter with NOISE.)

In HELL, I suspect, the only QUIET times are of the bad kind. Absolute silence of an unknown duration that does nothing good, but only fosters those haranguing indictments that can not be denied. Not a stillness that lets one "rest in peace" (there will be NONE of that in HELL!) or a quiescent purposeful dormancy, but a bare boned exposure and amplification of every thought.

Out of respect for our standing as independent creatures, made in his image, God only speaks to us in hushed, beseeching tones, and hopes we will listen. He tells us of himself through the magnificence of the material world he created, and waits for the one logical response. He answers our deepest questions in the QUIET form of a book, and only invites us to read about his ways.

One day such quality QUIET times will be unavailable. After a terrible windstorm, an earthquake, and a raging fire, God finally got through to Elijah in a gentle whisper. We should keep our ears perked up for that small QUIET voice of God, for he wants to save us from the forever badgering voices of guilt and shame that will plague those in HELL forever.

For he says,

“In the time of my favor I heard you,
and in the day of salvation I helped you.”

I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.
                                                                                                        2 Corinthians 6:2

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Wednesday, April 19, 2017


                    Did you see the INTRODUCTION to this A to Z series? Check it out here.

The number one sin. The first sin. The worst sin. And the polar opposite of perhaps the most foundational virtue, humility. Humility allows one to listen and to receive from God what he says is needed (forgiveness and salvation). PRIDE works in the antagonistic direction. It is diametrically opposed to any consideration of God's perspective. Like "the lust of the eyes" and the "lust of the flesh," the PRIDE OF LIFE originates with the world and only supplants God.

For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. 1 John 2:16

Instead of the Lord's Prayer, here is PRIDE'S prayer:

"Our imaginary friend, who really is nowhere, forgotten be your name. MY kingdom come! MY will be done; here in my house and everywhere I go. You can't give me anything, and I won't give you anything. I will never forgive you for anything, but hold your nonexistent self in contempt instead. Nothing is wrong, so there is no "temptation" to avoid, and I will deliver evil wherever I go."

And it is this spirit that speaks ever louder and more powerfully into the ear and out the mouth of those in HELL.

Psalm 36 speaks to our PRIDE.

1  I have a message from God in my heart
concerning the sinfulness of the wicked:
There is no fear of God
before their eyes.
2  In their own eyes they flatter themselves
too much to detect or hate their sin.
3  The words of their mouths are wicked and deceitful;
they fail to act wisely or do good.
4   Even on their beds they plot evil;
they commit themselves to a sinful course
and do not reject what is wrong.

PS After further analysis, I have concluded that my milk pouring is not all I cracked it up to be.

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Tuesday, April 18, 2017


                    Did you see the INTRODUCTION to this A to Z series? Check it out here.

My biggest fear, in writing these posts on HELL, is that the ideas offered and the perspective given are merely an expression of another fallible and foibled person (me). Of course any time anyone opens his or her mouth, or puts ideas out by pen or keyboard, they are taking responsibility for what is expressed. And I do. That's why I am scared. I do not want to be responsible for any misleadings or false teachings or OPINIONS which might misrepresent the truth about God or his order.

Misrepresenting God by the pushing of faulty OPINIONS can readily cause someone to "stumble." Here we see that each of the 3 synoptic Gospel writers share what Jesus had to say about the seriousness of such a mistake.

Matthew 18:6
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

Mark 9:42
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.

Luke 17:2
It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of  these little ones to stumble.

Mathew went on in verse 7 to suggest stumbling would indeed happen, and to warn us to be careful with our assertions. "Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!"

This is why I try to reference a voice from The Bible in each post. Please call me out if a thought expressed here is not either backed up directly in Scripture, or easily inferred. Or if my inferences are flawed.

I think we suffer much from pushed OPINIONS. We have a new name for the phenomenon of mere OPINIONS being disguised as established fact: "Fake news." We stumble enough on our own without being mislead or encumbered with anything extra-factual.

But HELL, I think, will be filled only with untruth. Jesus said that he IS truth, so there will be only the opposite in HELL. Only OPINION. Which of course leads only to argument and dissension and bullying and hate. One aspect of HELL will be like being sucked into a Facebook comment thread where absolutely nobody can even present a fact and where no rules of logic can be used (they are too much based on truth). So yeah, like a Facebook comment thread!

What a horrible place to dwell in forever!

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