The 'BARKING OWL' always has something to say, and like the feathered version, can be either WISE...............or ANNOYING!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


               Did you see the INTRODUCTION to this A to Z series? Check it out here.

Do you think you will COMPLAIN if you are refused entry into heaven and end up in hell? Not necessarily. But if you live a life full of COMPLAINING, if your friends and family find that there are very few other platforms from which you speak, then (IF you refuse the forgiveness offered in Jesus Christ!), yes, you will COMPLAIN in hell.

The Apostle Paul wrote a letter to the church in Philippi, and included in his good counsel is this gem: "Do everything without grumbling or arguing..." Would that today's church (and people everywhere) would heed this simple and sound advice! In heaven we will. Heed the advice, I mean. Because in heaven, all of our sinful ways will be left outside the gate. The struggle to obey will be done, and the victory over all corruption will be won!

 But, if hell is the opposite of heaven we can assume that everything done in hell is done with grumbling or arguing. Not just the disparaging COMPLAINTS against God and his sovereign judgement (No VALID arguments against him will be made, by the way); not just faux "legal" arguments claiming innocence etc.; but EVERYTHING in hell will be done with grumbling!

Think of your most bitterly, constantly COMPLAINING friend who you can barely accompany to any event or non-event. It drives you nuts, and no amount of good news rebuttal gets anywhere with such a person. But multiply that habit by a million, set it aside where it will only grow and gain unmitigated power, and let eternity begin. The COMPLAINING spirit will be monstrous.

Hell is the place where the minor sins we sometimes laugh about, albeit with a cringe as we walk away relieved, become the very tools of torment we would suffer under.

Number 14:27      How long will this wicked community grumble against me?

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