The 'BARKING OWL' always has something to say, and like the feathered version, can be either WISE...

The 'BARKING OWL' always has something to say, and like the feathered version, can be either WISE...............or ANNOYING!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

My Special List

My blogging group challenge this week was to make a list and then title it.  Here goes.

1. Pray with My Lilly.

2. Get out of bed and let the dogs out.

3. Go to the bathroom and hope the dogs don't start barking up and down the street.  It's 5:45!

4. Let the dogs in and chase the cat back out.

5. Get dressed and check the computer to see if I lost any chess games overnight.

6. Also see if anyone commented on the latest Proverbs 31 Project post.

7. Make lunch, go to work, come home.

8. Take a shower.

9. Shop and/or cook and eat dinner.

10. Watch some TV and go to bed.

Oh yeah, they want a TITLE.

10 Things To Do During a Clintonville Wisconsin Earthquake

Picture of disaster scene by Emily Arndt


  1. Are ya done shakin'? I'm still worried about the fact that it sort of continued rather than just a shake and then tremors. Ya know? Get busy on tht rebuild! It's gonna take a few. Call on your neighbors!

    ♥ Nice list and a nice life, I'd say.

  2. Lovely list with a bird's eye view of a great life. :D


  3. Sounds like a nice day to me! And thank you for the chuckle at the end of your story with the picture! lol

  4. It's so nice when the word 'earthquake' is accompanied by a picture of just a fallen chair :-)

  5. So happy to see that the earthquake damage was minimal and hoping the folks of Clintonville can be back on their feet soon.

  6. Nice to see you didn't panic ...


I can't wait to see your response so, unless you can leave a pizza, please leave the next best thing; your comment!