The 'BARKING OWL' always has something to say, and like the feathered version, can be either WISE...

The 'BARKING OWL' always has something to say, and like the feathered version, can be either WISE...............or ANNOYING!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

One Year Ago Today Exactly Sort Of

Goodwill hunting.
Just about one year ago, my youngest son Josh left home for Montana.  He and a good friend got on the Amtrak train in Wisconsin, and began the long journey; not just the 50 some hour train ride, but Josh was starting a near 7 month venture with YWAM (Youth With A Mission).  He was taking a DTS (Discipleship Training School) program which culminated with serving in Turkey through December and January.

His Mother and I were left with the much ballyhooed empty nest, syndrome and all.  We struggled a little, adjusted a lot (I had to do ALL of the mowing and shoveling!) and learned to divide the TV's remote control by two instead of by three.

Our youngest was gone.  Josh was moving on and growing, AND going overseas into a possibly hostile/dangerous place.  Easy for him!  He didn't have to comfort his Mom and reassure her through it all!  Finally he came home in April, shortly after his first nephew was born, and then spent most of the summer working with his old man.

Yesterday, we watched as Josh again took his leave from us.  He boarded a plane this time, and besides a short trip home for Christmas, will be gone for nine months at YWAM's school of Biblical studies.  He will be studying through the whole Bible 5 times, each journey with a unique purpose and approach.  And when he returns next summer he will meet his nephew's little brother or sister for the first time!

To the airport!
Considering one year ago and this year, it seems that we are fully engaged in a new cycle:  Josh goes to Montana, Victoria has a baby. Repeat.  Josh goes to Montana, Victoria has a baby.  Repeat?

I just hope Josh didn't pack our remote in his new suitcase!


  1. I am not looking forward to the empty nest syndrome. Fortunately, I have a while to wait with my oldest 10 and my youngest 5. Still I am experiencing a taste of it with my son off to kindergarten this year. Still like you, I have adjusted. Great blog on one year on!!


  2. Kathy, for a minute there I thought you were saying you had 15 kids! Duh! Yes, you have time, but be assured; it's all good!

  3. It's hard letting them go, but we just have to trust that we did a good job raising them.

  4. A quote my father attached to my bedroom door when I had to move back home with a husband and two dogs in tow.
    "Kids are like boomerangs, the farther you throw them, the harder they hit the house when they return!"
    Better keep that remote control in a safe place.

  5. You may have an empty nest now, but it will soon be full with grandbabies! It's a good trade!

  6. Darlene; You got it! And, don't tell Josh, but I think it's a great trade-off!

  7. When our first one left the nest, I cried. By the time that our third was pulling out of the driveway in a car packed to the gills with stuff, I had a moment that was nearly teary, but then I remembered: We had the house all to ourselves! It was like being teenagers again, but with no parents around. Not bad. Not bad at all.

  8. Our youngest left for college this year. It's hard to watch the youngest grow up.


  9. Both my daughters left home the same week, one to New Jersey with her new husband and the other to try her wings in a nearby town. I would have been a basket case had it not been for the little dog the first one left behind. Everyone should have someone as happy to see them as that little dog was to see me when I got home from work. (Hubby worked second shift, so was gone. Besides, even tho he's as hairy and has ears and a nose about as big, he's still not as cute as she was.)

  10. Yes, I know from personal observation, that the Mother has a much more difficult time than I have, in saying good-bye. But she hardly seems to notice that ALL of the mowing and shoveling reverts back to MY list! (Or do you think that is the real reason she is so upset?)

  11. Personally, I love the empty nest! It gets visited by kids and grand kids and then they all go to their houses again. It's a very good thing. The shoveling and mowing thing? Yeah, I don't think she cares.


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